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Any chance of the Linux version coming over to Itch?

oh wow it looks so so so nice

The Game is cool and the best thing that I liked in the game is the art


500+?? The artist is so gonna be paid lol.


idk seems overpriced af make it a few bucks less, other than that it looks like a pretty good game, or maybe im just broke


Try my games they are free


I don't think you quite understand how much work goes into developing games - especially video games. Game designers do a lot of work upfront, especially indie developers who don't have the luxury of a large team, and they deserve to get paid fairly for their work, even if that means we need to save up a little longer before we can buy a game sometimes. Paying them fairly also ensures that they can make more and better games in the future, so it's a win-win for all of us, really.


yeah ur right

I really like the art style to this game.

those are huge frogs...